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Coping Skills: Tips and Tricks for Between Sessions

For the most part, clients seek therapy when looking to address discomfort and increase coping skills, whether due to depression, anxiety, or in their relationships. We are biased, but this is a significant first step. For me, part of...read more


The fantasy of total control as a coping mechanism

The fantasy of total control is alluring. If we could control how we feel, then we would feel better! In theory, that sounds great; however, emotions do not work that way. Emotions are an organic thing. They occur naturally...read more

Morning and Loss

Resilience, our emotional muscle.

Resilience is the ability to adapt to adversity or significant stress. It is not the absence of discomfort during adversity or significant stress. Instead, it is what helps us navigate the unforeseen without being overwhelmed by discomfort. While adversity...read more


Doomscrolling: How it might increase anxiety

I unlock my phone and instantly forget why I unlocked it in the first place. Instinctually I dive into social media and start scrolling. Bad news, more bad news, meme, more bad news, scrolls faster, and still more bad...read more

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Mental health and re-entering Coronavirus restrictions…

If I look back on all of my conversations regarding Coronavirus related quarantine or shelter-in-place, I can recall one instance where an introverted individual’s daily routine was not significantly impacted. Even then, there were impacts on their business and...read more