We frequently hear clients talking about wanting to be “grateful” or developing an “attitude of gratitude”. The practice of feeling grateful or having an attitude of gratitude is more than a catchy phrase. Rather, it helps prime us to...read more
How do you even begin therapy? This can be an intimidating question for someone that does not have previous therapy experience. We frequently receive inquiries where someone googled a search term and started going down the list making call...read more
For the most part, clients seek therapy when looking to address discomfort and increase coping skills, whether due to depression, anxiety, or in their relationships. We are biased, but this is a significant first step. For me, part of...read more
Relax. Something that feels like it is in short supply for 2020. Most people recognize that they would like more relaxation, but do not invest in identifying the activities that help them relax. What I am specifically addressing is...read more
The fantasy of total control is alluring. If we could control how we feel, then we would feel better! In theory, that sounds great; however, emotions do not work that way. Emotions are an organic thing. They occur naturally...read more
More often than not, people start looking for a therapist once things feel like they have become more than one cares to bare without help. However, it does not need to be that way! Therapy can begin proactively without...read more
Resilience is the ability to adapt to adversity or significant stress. It is not the absence of discomfort during adversity or significant stress. Instead, it is what helps us navigate the unforeseen without being overwhelmed by discomfort. While adversity...read more
I unlock my phone and instantly forget why I unlocked it in the first place. Instinctually I dive into social media and start scrolling. Bad news, more bad news, meme, more bad news, scrolls faster, and still more bad...read more
For most, the fantasy of working from home differs significantly from the reality of what they have experienced. The past few months highlight the importance of the commonly used phrase, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Our...read more
Quite frankly, feeling stressed out sucks. At an optimal level, which is different for everyone, stress can be a motivator to accomplish a task or institute change. However, feeling stressed out and experiencing constant stress is detrimental to our...read more