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Mental health and re-entering Coronavirus restrictions…

If I look back on all of my conversations regarding Coronavirus related quarantine or shelter-in-place, I can recall one instance where an introverted individual’s daily routine was not significantly impacted. Even then, there were impacts on their business and...read more

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Connected, but alone? -Sherry Turkle

Mobile technology allows us to stay connected while on the move. We can automatically receive breaking news, access up-to-date weather forecasts, send and receive emails, play internet-connected video games, listen to music or watch music videos, and stay connected...read more


Self-care check-in.

Self-care is one of those buzzwords that has been thrown around quite a bit the past few years. But what is self-care, and what does it look like? In short, it is the awareness of one’s needs and the...read more

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Relationships during the quarantine

COVID-19, and the resulting shelter-in-place, has thrust a majority of the world into spending almost the entirety of their days within their homes. The resulting constant close physical proximity to roommates, partners, and family adds stress to the already...read more

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Our resilience. The Return to Normal Fantasy as Coping.

I found this brief interview with social psychologist Dr. Jeff Greenberg to be helpful in describing the use of the fantasy to “return to normal” (as a result of the coronavirus) as adaptive coping. Specifically, practical ways in which...read more

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Yes, Covid quarantine is draining you…

Sharing a piece from the LA Times which highlights the very real psychosocial impact of quarantine. https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2020-04-29/what-science-tells-us-about-the-psychological-impacts-of-coronavirus-isolation#null...read more


Recommended book review – “This Close to Happy: A Reckoning With Depression”

In The New York Times Book Review, Andrew Solomon reviews Daphne Merkin’s “This Close to Happy: A Reckoning With Depression.” Solomon writes: Photo Merkin is capable of being at once melodramatic and finely nuanced; she has so many good...read more

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Here Are 20 Things Dying People Say They Regret

We all make mistakes in life, and it’s hard not to have regrets. Maybe it’s not telling your secret crush how you really feel. Maybe it’s not calling your loved one back one last time. Whoever you are, it’s...read more


Why We Need To Talk About High-Functioning Depression

(Photo: Pexels/Freestocks.org)   To an outside observer, Amanda Leventhal, a college student at the University of Missouri, appears to have it all together. Perfect grades, a good group of friends, involvement in her campus choir group—she’s not someone many...read more