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Blog - Depression

Coping Skills and Strategies

Coping skills and strategies are important tools to improve overall mental health. They can be applied to help manage daily stress, deal with difficult emotions, and attend to difficult life circumstances. These skills can be particularly helpful to manage...read more


Let’s talk openly about our mental health.

Whether you follow the Royal Family or not, or agree with the decisions of the various family members or not is not what this post is about. Although this piece by Vox addresses Meghan Markle’s disclosure of experiencing suicidal...read more

Life Transitions

Are you “Alonely”? How it differs from being lonely

Are you “alonely”? Or like me, is this a new term for you as well? Well according to Robert Carlton, a psychologist that studies loneliness and social isolation, alonely is when there is a need to spend time by...read more


The importance of a good night sleep

Now more than ever it is important to remain aware of maintaining awareness of what our mind and body need. We hear the importance of mask-wearing, social distancing, and washing our hands to protect ourselves and those around us....read more

Morning and Loss

An Attitude of Gratitude: 1-2-3!

We frequently hear clients talking about wanting to be “grateful” or developing an “attitude of gratitude”. The practice of feeling grateful or having an attitude of gratitude is more than a catchy phrase. Rather, it helps prime us to...read more


Self-care check-in.

Self-care is one of those buzzwords that has been thrown around quite a bit the past few years. But what is self-care, and what does it look like? In short, it is the awareness of one’s needs and the...read more


Recommended book review – “This Close to Happy: A Reckoning With Depression”

In The New York Times Book Review, Andrew Solomon reviews Daphne Merkin’s “This Close to Happy: A Reckoning With Depression.” Solomon writes: Photo Merkin is capable of being at once melodramatic and finely nuanced; she has so many good...read more


Why We Need To Talk About High-Functioning Depression

(Photo: Pexels/Freestocks.org)   To an outside observer, Amanda Leventhal, a college student at the University of Missouri, appears to have it all together. Perfect grades, a good group of friends, involvement in her campus choir group—she’s not someone many...read more