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Connected, but alone? -Sherry Turkle

Posted on: June 25th, 2020 by lysaeastman

Mobile technology allows us to stay connected while on the move. We can automatically receive breaking news, access up-to-date weather forecasts, send and receive emails, play internet-connected video games, listen to music or watch music videos, and stay connected to social relationships through any number of social media platforms. Now, while we are asked to socially distance to slow the spread of the coronavirus, technology seems to play an even more significant role in our social relationships. Over the last 3 months, we have utilized technology to work remotely, participate in a virtual friend hangout, or use a video platform to call someone you love.

Although it is easy to fall down the internet rabbit-hole, it is essential to keep our awareness of the relationships in our lives that are important to us. At the end of the day, technology is a tool, and it is up to us to use that tool in a way that works for us. The following link is to a TED Talk by Dr. Sherry Turkle that discusses our relationship with technology in a relatable way. Although this talk was filmed in 2012, there is a line that feels very poignant today, “We’re getting used to a new way of being alone together.” Dr. Turkle touched on the phenomenon of occupying the same physical space, but our attention is captured in our phones. During a global pandemic, this is different in that we should not physically gather. However, we still yearn for social connection. Technology can be a tool to meet some of this human need. As Dr. Turkle points out, “…focus on the many, many ways technology can lead us back to our real lives, our own bodies, our own communities…”.


If you want to have a better relationship with technology, where it works for you, feel free to get in touch with us.

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